Developmental editing
Let me help you see the big picture.
When your manuscript is done, I will look at structure, form, plot, and character development. I will focus on wider story elements instead of sentence-level errors. Together we will make sure you have a cohesive, well-rounded story with a your target market in mind.
Line Editing
Going line-by-line, I'll focus on word choice and sentence structure to ensure clarity. With this service, we'll work together to make sure the reader isn't distracted and can stay fully immersed in your story.
Final Proof Editing
Let's get down to the nitty gritty!
With a complete manuscript, I will give it that final
copy edit and proof read. This focuses on sentence-level errors like punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other often missed typos.
Manuscript consulations
Need a helping hand?
Sometimes writers get stuck and need an independent, unbiased consultation to work through plot holes, character arcs, and more. I can help you step back and see your manuscript from the outside and help you see things from the outside.
Let's get you out of a rut!​
I can help you get your creative juices flowing. I can be an extra brain to help come up with story ideas, character names, titles, and more. Bounce ideas off of me for honest feedback and options.